Homes for living
A collaboration between E.ON, Newcastle University, Invisible Creations® and ADL Smartcare to support people to age well so they can stay in their own homes for longer, helping retain their independence and stay connected with their families.
About the project
As the UK ageing population continues to rise, it poses economic, social and political challenges as we adapt. Health and Social Care services face unprecedented financial and operational demands for services under constrained resources. The dependency on our older citizens and those that informally care for their loved ones has therefore increased, particularly as more people wish to stay in their own home for longer. For people over the age of 65 that live alone, live in poor housing conditions or in poverty, are at greater risk. We know that existing housing stock is among the oldest in Europe, but with that comes a high cost to our health and care services. It is estimated that unsuitable housing costs the NHS £624 million for the first year, mainly due to hazards and falls.
However, without this spend, reduces a healthy quality of life and a person’s ability to live independently. The reactive cycle of demand then continues, leaving the UK at crisis point as we now reach unprecedented levels of much needed change.
E.ON UK have embraced a systematic innovative approach to address the concerns of our ageing society, with a primary focus on identifying the correct problem to be solved. With billions of pounds already being spent on research and innovation across countries, identifying and reacting to address a worldwide ageing concern, we see the customer needs are not being fulfilled by delivering solutions in isolation. However, we recognise that this isn’t necessarily about re-inventing, it’s about innovatively collaborating and joining up services, challenging the status quo, and learning from the work already done. We are taking a whole new approach by bringing together a team of experts to help us.
‘Homes for Living’ is keeping a focus on aspirational living and that if a home isn’t suitable because; it creates isolation, it’s cold, damp, or unsuitable as we grow older; it can become a hazardous place to live, or even force people to leave their home. By building on energy efficiency services, joining up existing and new innovations, a whole-house-solution can be created with inclusivity, dignity and independence in mind. With dual-purpose, aesthetically pleasing adaptations; a smart kitchen that is designed for any generation; combined with smart care at your fingertips, a home can continue to be a place of comfort and support you throughout a persons life journey.