Ebico Innovation is run by a group of seasoned entrepreneurs and executives driven by a shared passion for fostering the success of outstanding ideas with a positive social impact.
Our focus lies in supporting determined teams with a well-defined vision for expanding their businesses and making sustainable, affordable warmth accessible to more households.
We focus on companies that:
- Create a genuine positive impact on the affordability and accessibility of household Net Zero living.
- Demonstrate high growth potential.
- Possess a product or service with distinctive intellectual property, either in development or as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
- Have a clear exit strategy in place.
- Are co-founded by a minimum of two dedicated entrepreneurs.
Ebico Innovation engages in Seed and Early Stage Investing, offering both debt and equity financing options.
Regular communication and feedback are integral to our approach, leveraging the extensive experience of our seasoned executives.
With expertise in investment management and extensive experience in the UK’s energy retail sector, issues around fuel poverty, corporate finance and funding, we bring our own unique expertise in social impact entrepreneurship to the table, further enhancing the support we provide to the ventures we back.
Investment application: https://form.typeform.com/to/wTN63lz0