Aakash Rai
Creating an app to improve workflow in the healthcare industry
Creating an app to improve workflow in the healthcare industry
Aakash Rai is a doctor based in the West Midlands. With a passion for healthcare and technology, he wants to explore how we can utilise the technology we have today to deliver an improved standard of care.
He started Meditask, a mobile app that connects clinicians and helps to manage workflow in hospitals. It was based on his own frustrations as a medical student then a doctor, where it was difficult to ensure that the right people were doing the right jobs at the right time.
After proving the functionality of the mobile app, Aakash is now in the process of developing his idea into a working application. Once this is complete, he has a clear vision for how he wants it to be implemented within the healthcare setting.
“I want to continue to expand MediTask to aid implementation across the NHS. I am a firm believer in the problem we are trying to solve and am convinced MediTask is the right solution for this. Long term, I would like to further utilise data gathered on workflow within the NHS to help create a new way of working,” he says.