Ultromex Ltd

Reclamex - A Feasibility Study for a UK Aluminium Smelting Wastes Treatment Facility
About the project
Aluminium is the second most widely used metal after steel, it is of strategic importance to the UK economy as it moves towards more sustainable and circular models of production and consumption and as demand increases for light-weighting of products in the automotive and aerospace sectors and especially electric vehicles.
Aluminium smelting creates large volumes of waste, nearly all of which are deemed to be hazardous and not appropriate for landfill. The UK aluminium industry is presently constrained by having no UK treatment option for its wastes, and currently has to export it for treatment.
Dependence on overseas solutions for hazardous waste treatment is complex, expensive, and as recent geopolitical events have demonstrated, brings significant supply chain risk. Moreover, with the right treatment, valuable resources can be reclaimed from the wastes and reused in the UK circular economy leaving zero for landfill.
This project, RECLAMEX, is to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the viability of a UK Aluminium Smelting Wastes Treatment Facility, bringing together into one integrated plant, the technologies Ultromex has developed so far to treat ALL UK smelting wastes for re-use in the UK, a first for the UK and a first for the world.