Kirsty Smitten
Pioneering the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

MetalloBio Ltd
Yorkshire & the Humber
Celebrating the Legacy of Kirsty Smitten
In memory of Kirsty Smitten, a remarkable scientist and a trailblazer in the world of chemistry and microbiology. Kirsty’s passion for inorganic medicinal chemistry was ignited during her academic journey, and her determination to make a meaningful impact was unwavering. She co-founded MetalloBio, a University of Sheffield spin-out company, with a vision to combat the pressing issue of antimicrobial resistance, a challenge responsible for countless lives lost and a staggering economic toll.
Kirsty’s PhD research was the birthplace of a new era in antimicrobial treatment, where she introduced an entirely new class of antimicrobial compounds. Her groundbreaking work offered a ray of hope in a world grappling with antibiotic resistance. Kirsty’s dedication was not limited to her laboratory; she aspired to change the world.
Participating in Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation programme was a testament to Kirsty’s commitment to her role as CEO of MetalloBio. She sought to learn from fellow women innovators, enhance her delegation skills, and refine her pitching and fundraising strategies. Her ultimate goal was clear: to lead MetalloBio as a global leader in the battle against Antimicrobial Resistance, with a mission to save lives.
Her legacy lives on as her family strives to continue her work through a charity in her name.
Kirsty Smitten was a true luminary, and her indomitable spirit will inspire generations to come.
Antimicrobial Resistance is currently responsible for 1.2 million annual fatalities and failure to address the issue by 2050 could result in 10 million deaths costing the global economy £66 trillion. Current antibiotics are failing and the World Health Organisation has highlighted a need for novel antimicrobial therapies. I wanted to put my research to good use and make a difference in this area.
– Kirsty