KTP helps develop platform for low carbon house design and construction

Posted on: 05/11/2018

Outstanding contribution to the UK’s Industrial Strategy of Clean Growth and Transforming Construction achieved via a Knowledge Transfer Partnership.

A recently completed Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) – a programme linking UK businesses with the UK’s world-class academic and research expertise – between CITU/Leeds Beckett University has created a digital enterprise platform that ensures continuous improvement of low carbon house design and construction.

The new platform collates data and visualises a building and its performance, encouraging customer interaction at the point of sale and in use. In doing so, it transitions traditional house buying and building to a digital environment, creating high margin development opportunities that are environmentally friendly.

The 24-month KTP project between sustainable developer, CITU, and Leeds Beckett University was awarded the highest grade of “Outstanding” by the KTP Grading Panel; and President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Lord Mair, was ‚Äú impressed with both the research and the strategic vision that was being achieved‚Äù.

KTPs are designed to help businesses innovate for growth and are a three-way partnership between a UK business or not for profit organisation, one of the UK’s world-class universities/research organisations, and a suitably qualified graduate (KTP Associate). Every partnership enjoys the specialist input of a Knowledge Transfer Adviser, and each KTP should benefit all three partners.

The KTP Associate for this project, James Fenwick, has now been appointed as CITU’s Virtual Reality Experience Manager and continues with his Masters by Research degree at Leeds Beckett University; and the research and business benefits realised via the KTP have ensured a very active ongoing relationship: Leeds Beckett University and CITU now sit on the committee of the Leeds Climate Change Commission, influencing and leading on Sustainable development and change in Yorkshire.

Knowledge Transfer Adviser, John Clayton, commented: “CITU’s core strategic mission of accelerating the transition to zero carbon cities took a major step forward via this very innovative KTP with Leeds Beckett University; CITU are now regarded as a beacon of innovation in the construction / housebuilding sector.”

To find out more about this new platform visit https://www.citu.co.uk/

To discover how to Innovate and grow your business through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Leeds Beckett University visit http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/business-services/funding-options/knowledge-transfer-partnerships/


About KTPs

Delivered by the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) for Innovate UK, KTPs have been helping UK businesses realise strategic innovation projects for over 40 years. KTPs can last anything from 12-36 months, are available to organisations in any sector, and of any size. For more information visit: https://ktn-uk.co.uk/programmes/knowledge-transfer-partnerships

How to apply for a KTP

In the first instance find and contact your nearest Knowledge Transfer Adviser here.  They are based all over the country and will help you every step of the way.

Dates and deadlines

The KTP programme 2018 to 2019 is run continuously throughout the year. This table contains the full list of open and close dates.

Open date: 1 November 2018 – Close date: 12 December 2018
Open date: 13 December 2018 – Close date: 6 February 2019
Open date: 7 February 2019 – Close date: 20 March 2019

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