Net Zero Living

Innovate UK’s £60 million, three-year Net Zero Living programme aims to help regional authorities and businesses accelerate the transition to net zero, across the UK and internationally.

Accelerating Net Zero

The Net Zero Living programme is designed to help places open up local and regional markets for carbon reduction measures. The programme also includes funding and business support to promote innovation in design and data for net zero solutions, and a package of international activities helping UK businesses to work on solutions with partners in Africa and Asia.

Since its launch in 2022, the Net Zero Living programme has funded 201 projects involving 296 partners. Under our three main focus areas: UK Places, Data & Design and International, we can support you to:


Remove barriers

Remove non-technological barriers which stand in the way of the rapid scale-up of net zero solutions. These include issues such as citizen engagement, financing and governance processes.


Increase innovation

Support businesses and places to develop innovative solutions which will drive widespread business growth and innovation across the economy.


Unlock investment

Explore and develop financing models for net zero which will unlock significant additional private investment, to enable true levelling-up both between and within places.

Focussed opportunities for your region

Working with UK local authorities to help make net zero solutions and projects reality


Working with UK local authorities to help make net zero solutions and projects reality

Local authorities are an important focus of the programme. Around a third of the UK’s carbon emissions are dependent on sectors that are directly shaped or influenced by local authority practice, policy or partnerships. Many of the technological solutions needed to move places to net zero already exist, but local authorities face many challenges and barriers when trying to deliver these solutions at the scale needed. Our cohort of 52 funded places across the UK are delivering projects to overcome the non technological barriers to delivering net zero in a place. We will be sharing their progress, learning and resources as it is developed.


Digital and design for Net Zero

With a focus on digital and design issues, this part of the programme helps businesses understand and respond to user needs and opportunities for the large-scale roll out of net zero solutions. The digital and design funding competitions aimed to help businesses understand and respond to the opportunities around the large-scale roll out of net zero solutions, and ensure that solutions, products and services meet the needs of users. This recognises that the co-benefits of a net zero transition are at least as relevant and important to people as the net zero end goal itself. Better jobs, greater energy security, cleaner air, reduced congestion, cheaper bills, more cohesive communities and other co-benefits can be stronger immediate drivers of action than the aim to cut carbon emissions. This is why part of our approach with this programme looks at how to deliver solutions people want and need in a net zero manner, rather than pushing net zero solutions upon them.

Digital and design for Net Zero
Helping innovative UK businesses deliver net zero solutions with overseas partners


Helping innovative UK businesses deliver net zero solutions with overseas partners

With climate change a pressing global issue, this strand of the programme creates opportunities for UK businesses to work on innovative solutions with partners facing challenges around the world. The global imperative of addressing climate change generates massive opportunity for UK businesses to provide innovative solutions, working with partners and making a real difference in areas of the world with particular challenges. This is why The Net Zero Living programme includes four strands of international engagement to support business learning, development and growth for the benefit of participants both in the UK and overseas. There are 30 international projects involving 52 organisations, with a total investment of £3.4m.


View our past opportunities

Over three years from 2022-25, the Net Zero Living programme is grant-funding local and regional net zero projects right across the UK, while at the same time providing expert practical support to help tackle these barriers.

Explore opportunities


Accelerating local net zero investment

Local net zero could open up a £500 billion investment opportunity – and it’s vital if we want to meet the UK’s 2050 climate targets while creating healthier, more prosperous futures. Read the key findings from a PwC report, commissioned by UKRI, about the private capital required for local net zero projects and how to unlock it.

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Related Perspectives

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Related Events and Recordings


Innovate for Net Zero Living - Solutions Exchange

09.30 - 15.45 | Liverpool

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Navigating Net Zero: Understanding the Role of Hydrogen

10.00 - 11.30 | Online

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Net Zero Heat Open Day

09.00 - 12.30 | Online

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Driving innovation forward: Unveiling the West of England Local Action Plan

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Net Zero Living: Understanding the User Focused Products programme

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