Innovate UK Launchpads, New Innovator Competitions - Support Q&A Session

Find out more about the Innovate UK Launchpad programme, alongside information on how to apply to the New Innovators competition.

Event Details


10.00 - 11.30



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On 7 May, Innovate UK, working with local civic leadership, opened New Innovator competitions for five of the Innovate UK Launchpads as part of their portfolio of support for these place-based clusters. The funding available through the competitions is aimed at new innovators, micro and small businesses who have not previously had Innovate UK funding.

This online event will start with a plenary overview of the Innovate UK Launchpad programme, alongside information on how to apply to the New Innovators competition.

Breakout rooms will then follow for each of the five New Innovator competitions where delegates will be briefed on the key sector areas of interest (these are not included in the recording). Each breakout room will offer the opportunity for attendees to table clarification questions for a panelled response from Innovate UK and the local civic and cluster stakeholders.

Full details of the Innovate UK Launchpad New Innovators Competition including eligibility, key dates, how to apply and support in applying are detailed on the Innovation Funding Service website, or in Innovate UK Business Connect’s opportunity pages.

Participating Launchpads

All funding competitions relating to the The funding is open to all UK registered micro and small businesses to apply for. Applicants will have to propose projects that will impact in one of the five Launchpads participating in this competition round:

Who should watch?

  • Micro and small businesses considering an application to one of the Innovate UK Launchpad New Innovators competitions
  • Founders, CEOs, Directors, Programme Leads, Project Leads and UK registered organisation decision-makers in the key themes as described for each of the Launchpads.
  • Those seeking clarification on the ambition of the Innovate UK Launchpad programme as well as how they can capitalise on the support being offered nationally and locally through business innovation specialists.

Benefits of watching

  • Get briefed on the Innovate UK Launchpad programme.
  • Gain an understanding on how Innovate UK is working in partnership with local civic leaders
  • Insights into how the New Innovator competitions for funding work, including the criteria for an eligible application.
  • The opportunity to seek clarification on the eligibility of your project’s theme or approach
  • Gain key insights on the business support opportunities


10:00 Welcome

10:05 Innovate UK Launchpads: Ambition, Operation and Impact
Layla Burrows, Innovate UK, Place & Levelling Up

10:20 New Innovators Funding Overview
Jess Cook, New Innovator Project Lead, Innovate UK

10:30 Clarification Q&A & Breakout Room overview

10:40 Breakout Rooms Open

  • Main Room: Q&A on the Launchpad New Innovator Funding (General)
    Hosted by Jess Cook, Innovate UK
  • Breakout Room 1 Net zero industry in South West Wales
    Hosts: Louise Jones, Manager for Wales, Innovate UK
  • Breakout Room 2: Digital technologies in North East England
    Hosts: Lee Viney, Manager for Yorkshire, Humber and North East England, Innovate UK
  • Breakout Room 3: Health and life sciences in Northern Ireland
    Hosts: Paul Malcomson, Manager for Northern Ireland, Innovate UK
  • Breakout Room 4: Immersive and creative industries for Coventry and Warwickshire
    Hosts: Rick Holland, Place and Levelling Up, Innovate UK
  • Breakout Room 5: Agri-tech and food technologies in Eastern England
    Hosts: Howard Partridge, Manager for Eastern England, Innovate UK

11:20 Breakout Rooms Close

11:25 Closing remarks from the Chair

11:30 Close

Related programme



Innovate UK’s Launchpad programme supports small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and innovative businesses, strengthening innovation in targeted clusters across the UK.


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