Workforce Foresighting Hub podcast series

Focusing on the alignment between future skills and innovation, the Workforce Foresighting Hub Podcast brings together coaches, system developers, participants of cycles, and convenors from the Catapult Network to discuss how we can work together to start addressing the skills challenge.
The Workforce Foresighting Hub is an Innovate UK initiative created to provide insights and recommendations that will help identify and prepare for future skills demands. The aim is to foster the organisational capability and workforce skills required to adapt to continuing change and enable the adoption of innovative technologies to enable a prosperous UK industry.
Latest episode
Episode 7 – IfATE – How to shape the future workforce
In this episode we are joined by Jonathan Mitchell and Dr Richard Clewley from the Insititute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) to discuss their role in aligning skills development with labour market needs.
Created in 2017, IfATE works with employers to shape apprenticeships, T Levels and higher technical qualifications in order to prepare the workforce for the future. We discuss how they have benefitted from working with the Workforce Foresighting Hub in order to address the future skills challenge.
Jonathan and Richard take a broader look at the future of the UK skills challenge, including what changes need to be made and how to support these changes. We also take a look at the greater benefits of addressing the skills challenge for wider society and how this is contributing to helping achieve Government missions.
Watch on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Download the transcript (PDF).
Episode 6 – Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) – a Workforce Foresighting Hub Case Study
Karen Burgess and Simon Hawdon from CPI (Centre for Process Innovation) join us for episode 6 of the Workforce Foresighting Hub Podcast, following the recent publication of a workforce foresighting report addressing the skills challenge in RNA therapeutics manufacturing.
With this sector expected to grow rapidly in the future, the UK has the opportunity to lead the way, but only with a skilled workforce to support this growth. This episode sees Karen and Simon pick out the key insights and recommendations from this report to help address the sector’s current challenges.
Watch as a video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Download the transcript (PDF).
Previous episodes
Episode 5 – Satellite Applications Catapult – a Workforce Foresighting Hub Case Study
In episode 5, we welcome Kathie Bowden from the Satellite Applications Catapult, and Bethan McAulay of Astroscale, to discuss their experience of workforce foresighting.
After recently completing a workforce foresighting report for the UK space sector, the knowledgeable pair go into detail on the challenges facing the sector and the actions needed to prepare the workforce to adapt to future skills requirements.
They also talk about their experience of the Workforce Foresighting Hub process and how they have benefitted from participating in a foresighting cycle.
You can also watch the episode on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Episode 4 – Coaches’ Corner
The Workforce Foresighting Hub coaches are at the heart of the WF Hub programme. They work closely with all participants to ensure everything runs smoothly and offer advice and guidance throughout the workshops. So, who better to get on the podcast to discuss the WF Hub process with?
For this episode, WF Hub coaches Satchin Semage, Jack Lockhart and Samantha Yair discuss their background in skills and share the insights they have learned from the workshops.
You can also watch as a video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Episode 3 – Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult – a Workforce Foresighting Hub Case Study
Our third episode sees us speak to Andrew Esson, Future Skills Lead at Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult.
ORE Catapult were part of one of the first Workforce Foresighting Hub cycles, where they looked into preparing the workforce for future challenges in the offshore floating wind sector. In this episode, we hear about ORE Catapult’s experience in the programme, how they benefitted from it and what they learned along the way.
You can also watch as a video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Episode 2 – Introducing the Workforce Foresighting Hub
The second episode looks at how the Workforce Foresighting Hub programme and the wider Skills Value Chain approach can address the UK skills challenge.
We’re joined by WF Hub coaches Steve Picker and John Lanham who explain what the programme consists of and how it works, as well as how we can use insights and data to inform how we prepare for the future.
You can also watch as a video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
Episode 1 – What is the skills challenge?
In the first episode of the series, we are joined by Workforce Foresighting Hub Lead Consultants John Lanham and Paul Shakspeare to delve into the UK skills challenge.
John has worked in the higher education and skills sector for over 30 years and has been part of the work to develop the Workforce Foresighting Hub for the last five years.
Paul is an engineer who spent most of his career working on how we train and educate people in various fields, which is how he initially met John. They now work together as consultants to help deliver the ambitions of the Workforce Foresighting Hub programme.
The pair examine what exactly the skills challenge is, why it is important and how it impacts the UK. As well as this, they discuss what has been done to address this challenge so far and what can be done to ensure UK organisations have a skilled workforce ready to adapt to new capabilities aligned with emerging technology and innovation.
If you want to hear about the skills challenge and how we can deal with it, watch the first episode below. You can also watch as a video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.
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Workforce Foresighting
How do we build a skilled workforce for tomorrow’s industries? The Workforce Foresighting Hub has developed a structured process, aligned with national policy, to help deliver a workforce to exploit innovative technologies in the UK. We’re supporting industry, policymakers and educators to adapt to continuing change.