Introduction to Holly Health
Accessibility is one of the main barriers older adults face when using modern technology. In our Healthy Ageing project, it’s essential that older adults mustn’t feel left behind by advancing technology, especially when the purpose of that technology is to support our health and wellbeing.
About the Healthy Ageing project
In partnership with Age UK Lewisham and Southwark, the project aims to understand how the Holly Health service can be tailored to meet the needs of older adults to support them to create and sustain health-promoting lifestyle changes.
One of the first steps we took in the project was to create a new short video about Holly Health for older adult audiences. In the video, our CEO Grace explains what the Holly Health app is, the approaches behind Holly Health, and how you can benefit from using the app, all in under two minutes with no digital or technical jargon. Within our focus groups in the community, we have found that the video enables us to get across what our service is much more easily, leaving more time for discussion and feedback.
And of course, the video is just the beginning. As the project progresses, accessibility and usability remain the forefront drivers of our work, with new older adult tailored content and more user-friendly features added to the app. By listening to our users and the needs of the older adult community, we hope to ensure that all people regardless of age, can enjoy using Holly Health as a tool to support their health and wellbeing.
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Healthy Ageing Community of Practice
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