Engage with...Magnomatics

Energy efficient magnetic gears, motors and generators.

Event Details


15.00 - 16.00



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Magnomatics have been at the heart of the electrical revolution since 2006, providing design and analysis services, and manufacturing a wide range of electrical machines and related products.


Webinar recording and slides are now available

Find the slides here.


Magnomatics’ compact and efficient magnetic gears and derived technologies offer reliability advantages compared to conventional power train and drive train technologies in a broad range of applications and industries.

Their motors and generators overcome the torque limitations of conventional direct drive electrical machines, without the disadvantages of mechanically geared systems, by mechanically and magnetically integrating a non-contact passive magnetic gear within a permanent magnet brushless machine.

In this webinar recording, Magnomatics discuss some of the projects they are currently working on where diverse supply chains and partners are involved or sought.

The ISCF Driving the Electric Revolution “Engage with…” webinar series offers leading companies and organisations a platform to present to you:

  • Who they are and what they do;
  • Their PEMD growth journey/roadmap and what they are   doing in PEMD;
  • Their challenges and future PEMD supply chain requirements, with a view of exploring future opportunities for partnerships/collaborations/projects.

All with the aim for companies and organisations to seize the economic opportunities from the global transition to clean technologies and electrification.

Webinars | watch recordings or sign up for future events


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