Artificial Intelligence and ICT in healthcare

KTN is offering innovative SMEs the opportunity to work with real NHS data and help solve challenges in healthcare systems.
Note: Deadline extended to 26th July 2018.
KTN is working with partners from NHS, Academia and Industry to explore the innovation landscape around the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies to modernise how both patient and clinician experience healthcare. We see this as including (but not being limited to): machine learning, data analytics, virtual reality and user experience/design. We are also looking at the wider implications of AI to research and drug discovery.
This item focusses on the ICT aspects. Here’s why:
Outside of screening programs and public health initiatives, the majority of health care systems rely on the presentation of the citizen to the healthcare system with symptoms of one kind or another. The determination of the importance of these symptoms and the need for further medical investigation relies heavily on the patient-clinician interaction at appointments where clinical data is captured, decisions made on further investigation and information regarding this conveyed to the patient.
The pressures on the healthcare systems mean that often these complex processes of data gathering, evaluation against available data, decision making and information delivery need to take place in a short appointment time of between 5 and 10 minutes. As disease comorbidity, treatment complexity and patient expectation continue to rise the current model is unsustainable.
There is a well-documented increase in the population age and a coexistent multifactorial rise in demand for health care services. The capacity of the healthcare system is unable to keep up with the rising demand. The current patient journey and clinic appointment model requires disruption to embed digital technologies as experienced in almost every other aspect of our lives.
The healthcare ecosystem is evolving to electronic workflow with many areas currently working with a mixed economy of structured and unstructured electronic data and some workflow still captured on paper with much of the latter scanned to an electronic storage solution. These developments have improved availability of data but in some circumstance the clinicians are hampered by difficulties surfacing the most relevant clinical information from the electronic systems for a particular patient.
How to get involved
We are offering innovative SMEs with ideas that might tackle this situation (and we suspect will pull on AI type technologies to do so) the chance to get involved with some ‘real’ NHS data.
The NHS partner for this is NHS Grampian and the Safe haven where this data resides is hosted by the University of Aberdeen.
The links provided below will take potential SME partners to a USE CASE which describes the challenge and some of the data that can be provided. Please read this USE CASE and if you feel you might be able to support some or all of the processes that are required to revolutionise the experience of those involved then please apply to get involved by completing our survey here. This short questionnaire is designed to help us decide which SMEs to introduce to the Safe Haven team.
If you have questions about this or anything is unclear please contact David Calder at KTN:
We look forward to reading your submissions. We must have received them by close of business Thursday 26th July 2018. We will then be in touch to let you know the outcome and the next stages for each of you. Thank you for your interest in KTN and this potential opportunity.