Cyber Innovation Series 2021/22: WalletFind

Posted on: 16/02/2022

In the last of the Cyber Innovation series showcasing the current CyberASAP academic cohort (see them all in action at Demo Day on 17 February), we take a look at WalletFind – an innovative, forensic solution to manage and audit cryptocurrency wallets and related activities. 

See them all in action – register here for Demo Day.

About WalletFind

According to Investopedia, the field of cryptocurrencies is constantly expanding, with around 8000 cryptocurrencies in existence currently. Of that according to the WalletFind team – the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activity was around 10B in transaction volume in 2020; and tens of billions worth have been locked by people who’ve forgotten their key.

As a solution, the collaborators have developed WalletFind – a standalone automated cryptocurrency e-discovery and auditing software that can be used to identify and extract cryptocurrency artefacts. 

WalletFind offers customers the ability to perform automatic deep cryptocurrency forensics to recover their forgotten passwords or restore their corrupted or deleted data for software and hardware-based wallets. It also has the capability of conducting e-Discovery forensics to track, trace and monitor illicit transactions associated with a digital wallet; or perform auditing tasks.

The WalletFind Team

With experience in Forensics, Security, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, this innovation is the result of a collaboration between academics from the University of Bristol, the University of Salford and Manchester Metropolitan University. 

The team consists of:  

  • Dr Sana Belguith, Security Expert and Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Cyber Security at University of Bristol 
  • Dr Tooska Dargahi, Security Expert and Lecturer in Computer Network Security and Cyber Security, University of Salford
  • Prof. Mohammad Hammoudeh, Blockchain Expert and Chair in Cyber Security, Manchester Metropolitan University

“CyberASAP made us discover a whole new world. We have learnt a lot about business processes and we feel that we are now capable of taking our project to the next stage.”

Dr Sana Belguith

See them at Demo Day

Join us on Thursday 17 Feb 2022 and be the first to preview a range of highly promising cyber products and services from leading UK academic teams. Hear their pitches and assess their offerings in this unique showcase of ready-to-commercialise cyber innovations. Register here.

CyberASAP 2022/23

Funding for CyberASAP 2022/23 has just been confirmed for UK academic teams with a cyber security idea they would like to commercialise. The funding competition opens on Monday 7th February 2022 and closes at 11am on Wednesday 2nd March. Apply here.

About CyberASAP

CyberASAP (Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme) is the only pre-seed accelerator programme in the cyber ecosystem which provides expertise, knowledge and support to convert academic research into commercial products and services.

CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Innovate UK KTN.

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