Medicines Manufacturing Challenge EDI Survey

The Medicines Manufacturing Challenge is committed to supporting the wider industry on its equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) journey. Please fill out our survey to help us understand the characteristics of funded participants.
The Challenge is approaching the EDI journey through qualitative and quantitative methods:
- Listening and connecting, by organising workshops and creating an EDI community
- Data driven actions, by creating an EDI survey to collect and understand the protected characteristics of all participants we have funded (from technicians involved on our funded projects to senior business partners)
Why do we need an EDI survey?
We need a baseline of the project participants who have been funded by the Medicines Manufacturing Challenge. The baseline will help us understand the protected characteristics of the participants we have funded, and importantly the characteristics where funding has been limited.
The data will help focus UKRI and the Medicines Manufacturing team on the relevant targeted actions, and any improvements we can make to remove barriers and increase diversity.
If you’ve been funded by the Medicines Manufacturing Challenge programme, we’d appreciate it if you could:
- Fill in the EDI survey (it takes approximately 10 minutes to complete): deadline to submit is 28th January 2022.
- Forward the survey onto anyone else who worked on projects funded under by the Medicines Manufacturing Challenge or Digital Health Technology Catalyst
Please fill out the survey here.
For more information, listen to a recording of the EDI survey briefing webinar here.
If you have any questions or if you’re unsure if you’ve been funded by ISCF, please email
If you have a question specifically about the survey, get in touch with D&A on:
You’ll also have an opportunity to separately sign up for our growing EDI community. Please click on this link to sign up or contact Karen Wilkinson at Our EDI community meetings so far has been extremely engaging and informative, it has been wonderful to see many organisations sharing best practice and committed to overcoming challenges to improve EDI for the sector.
The biggest impact will be seen by listening, learning and acting together.
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Medicines Manufacturing Challenge Community
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