Transforming Medicines Manufacturing

Innovate UK’s Transforming Medicines Manufacturing programme aims to drive the de-risking and adoption of highly innovative flexible, agile and scalable manufacturing technologies through a culture of collaboration that will drive the growth of this critically important manufacturing sector.

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About the programme

The Transforming Medicines Manufacturing (TMM) programme leads on from the ISCF Medicines Manufacturing Challenge Community, which was established in 2017 and ran until 2022, and has been designed to support and grow the UK’s capabilities in manufacturing medicines by developing first-of-a-kind technologies to accelerate patient access to new drugs and treatments.

TMM consists of a range of funding competitions as well as a Community of Practice which will include a range of face-to-face events, interactive workshops and webinars amongst other activities.

Programme objectives

  • De-risk the use of technologies in innovative manufacturing.
  • Drive disruptive technology innovation of long-term strategic importance.
  • Build resilience and growth in the medicines manufacturing sector ensuring health security and patient benefit.
  • Support economic recovery and levelling up through supporting job creation, skills development and encouraging inward investment.
  • Supporting ambitious ED&I goals across the sector to establish a culture of change.
  • Address the Net Zero agenda and sustainability goals through funding novel manufacturing technologies to improve yields reduce waste and cut emissions.

Related programmes

Medicines Manufacturing Skills Investment Programme: The Office for Life Sciences has allocated £6.5m to enhance the UK’s Medicines Manufacturing ecosystem. This funding is being implemented through RESILIENCE, the Medicines Manufacturing Skills Centre of Excellence project, the Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA) in addition to securing the legacy of ATAC (Advanced Therapy Apprenticeship Programme) and ATSTN (Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network). Together, these initiatives aim to support organisations with their skills development and training requirements.

Transforming Medicines Manufacturing introduction

The key to the UK’s future as a global medicines manufacturing hub is its people. The Medicines Manufacturing Challenge has laid the groundwork for building this highly skilled workforce, but we need to continue to nurture the pipeline for the next generation of scientists, engineers and technicians to maintain a thriving industry.

Focus Areas

Nucleic Acid Medicines Manufacturing


Nucleic Acid Medicines Manufacturing

Improving the resource efficiency, productivity, and scalability for the manufacture of nucleic acid medicines.

Digitalisation and automation


Digitalisation and automation

Driving digitalisation and automation technologies in the development and manufacture of medicines.

Intracellular drug delivery


Intracellular drug delivery

Development and manufacturing of innovative formulations for DNA and RNA-based medicines.

Flexible, Agile, Sustainable, Scalable Technologies


Flexible, Agile, Sustainable, Scalable Technologies

Investing in advanced manufacturing technologies for better, more responsive manufacturing approaches.

Simplified Delivery of Complex Medicines


Simplified Delivery of Complex Medicines

Accelerating innovation in complex medicines formulation, manufacturing, and delivery.

The Community of Practice

A collaborative forum, bringing together key stakeholders to drive forward cutting-edge innovation in medicines manufacturing in the UK.

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Owen Burbidge

Our Expert

Owen Burbidge

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Related Opportunities

Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF): Expression of Interest

EOIs accepted on a rolling basis; quarterly assessments

Capital grants to support investments over £8m in the manufacture of human medicines, medical diagnostics and medtech products; assessed quarterly

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