EIT Culture & Creativity: Short Innovation Projects 2025 - consortia
Open to consortia proposing high-impact initiatives that address pressing challenges in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI).
Opportunity Details
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
Maximum €120,000 of EIT CC financial support per project. At least 30% of the total cost must be co-funded.
Horizon Europe
EIT Culture & Creativity invites you to submit proposals for the 2025 Short Innovation Projects, supporting high-impact initiatives that address pressing challenges in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI). This call focuses on fast-paced, results-driven innovation projects with a maximum duration of 6 months, delivering tangible and market-ready solutions within a short timeframe.
With a strong emphasis on Fashion, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Audio-Visual Media, and Gaming, this call seeks to accelerate commercialisation and market adoption of innovations that address the challenges of globalisation, digital transformation, emerging technologies (such as AI), and environmental sustainability.
Beyond financial support, EIT Culture & Creativity may offer selected projects additional services to enhance long-term sustainability, such as market access support, investor pitch sessions, networking opportunities, and collaboration within the broader EIT ecosystem.
Who can apply?
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of two entities:
- One SME or micro enterprise (the innovation developer) as the project leader.
- One supporting entity (e.g., research organisation, technology provider, or business consultant) providing complementary expertise to support market readiness.
The partners must be from two different EU Member States or HE-associated countries. The commercial partner role must always be held by an SME or micro enterprise. The project must advance the innovation to TRL 9 within 6 months.
Individual SME applicants are invited to submit to call 1, which is open until 11 March 2025.
Call segment 1 (single applicant)
- Call opening: 11 February 2025
- Call closure: 11 April 2025 at 17.00 CET
- Eligibility and admissibility check: mid-April 2025
- External evaluation of proposals: Until beginning of May 2025
- Portfolio selection: Second half of May 2025
- Communication of results to applicants: End of May 2025
- Publication of results: Beginning of July 2025 (1 month standstill period)
- Tentative projects start date: Beginning of July 2025
The total budget for this segment is up to €2,640,000.00 with a maximum €120,000 of EIT CC financial support per project.
All proposals must have a minimum co-funding rate of 30% across the project. Partners within a consortium may have different individual co-funding rates, as long as the overall co-funding for the entire project meets the required minimum of 30%.
The Call for Short Innovation Projects, segment 2, supports 6-month projects carried out by a consortium of two entities:
- One SME or micro enterprise as the innovation developer (and often the commercial partner).
- One supporting entity providing innovation support (e.g., research or technology development).
These projects advance technologies from TRL 7 to TRL 9, ensuring rapid commercialization. Priority sectors include all five EIT CC priority areas: Fashion, Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Gaming, and Audio-Visual Media. The expected outcome is a market-ready product, service, or business model, with a clear path to commercialization across multiple European markets.
Supporting webinars
- Webinar 1: Overview: Information session on the strategic focus, scope, and topics of the call. 19 February 2025, 10.00–11.00 CET
- Webinar 2: Commercialisation and financial sustainability: Information session on how proposals should address commercialisation and the project’s contribution to EIT Culture & Creativity’s financial sustainability. 19 February 2025, 11.00–12.00 CET
- Webinar 3: Evaluation criteria and application process: Information session covering eligibility and evaluation criteria, assessment and application process. 19 February 2025, 12.00–13.00 CET
- Webinar 4: Hands-on demonstration: Proposal preparation and submission process, including information on the application platform, detailed submission steps and budget setup. 19 February 2025, 13.00–13.30 CET
Recordings of all of these webinars are at the link below.
Further support
In addition to the information sessions, applicants may submit their inquiries via the official EIT Culture & Creativity Contact Form. This form should be used for all questions related to call content, technical aspects, thematic focus, administrative, financial, or procedural matters. The relevant team will review and respond accordingly to provide clear and aligned guidance throughout the application process.
You are also welcome to contact Innovate UK Business Connect’s Global Alliance team or our Creative Industries team.