Widening participation and spreading excellence

Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence actions under Horizon Europe, contribute to building research and innovation capacity for countries seeking to strengthen their R&I ecosystem.

Widening participation and spreading excellence

A Horizon Europe Funding Category

“Widening participation” is one of the four categories of Horizon Europe. This programme contains actions that on one hand contribute to the building of research and innovation capacity for Widening countries, and on the other is also aimed at supporting the consolidation and impact of the European Research Area, with measures funded in a variety of different thematic areas, in line with the policy objectives of the European Research Area.

They will strengthen their potential for successful participation in transnational research and innovation processes, promote networking and access to excellence.

Participants in the programme will be able to upgrade their research and innovation systems, making them stronger and allowing the EU as a whole to advance together, in line with the policy objectives of the European Research Area.

Does your project align with this category? Find out more below.

The Widening participation and spreading excellence Work Programme

Funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, this Work Programme document outlines the expected impacts as set out by the Pillar 4 strategic plan and details specific calls for proposals and their relevant conditions to apply. Review this information before beginning your application process.

Summary and download for Widening participation and spreading excellence

Check if your innovation fits within “Widening participation"

Funding opportunities within "Widening Participation" are divided into four key areas. Each area includes related funding opportunities. This makes it easier to align your innovation with the most suitable call for proposals. Click on the Work programme to explore funding opportunities.


Support/create centres of excellences as role models to stimulate excellence, new investments and reforms of national research and innovation systems.



Develop excellence in chosen research and innovation domain, increase visibility of the research institutions and universities, and upskill its staff.



ERA Chairs, to support universities or research organisations from eligible countries to attract and maintain high quality human resources and help excellent scientists and their teams to become game changers in their field.



European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST),cross-border scientific network helping excellent researchers and innovators get access to the European and international networks.


Review the high level process

What are the steps? How long does it take? What resources are available to support your innovation? Explore everything you need to know to get started.

High-level process


Check your eligibility

What are the high level eligibility criteria? Does your project or innovation meet the requirements? Are you prepared to apply? Find the answers here.

Check eligibility


Ready to build or join a consortium?

Eligible and ready to move forward? Learn how to build or join a consortium with key steps, best practices, and tips to tailor it to your project’s needs.

Finding a consortium

Unlock the key benefits of Horizon Europe

By participating in Horizon Europe, you can unlock key benefits such as:

Grant funding

Access significant grants for research and innovation.



Partner with global experts and institutions.



Expand your reach to international markets.


Real world impact

Turn innovative ideas into practical solutions.


Support for Innovation

Backing for high-risk, breakthrough projects.


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