Designed for Ageing
About the programme
Comprising 26 UK-wide projects, which are delivering service innovations to help people live independent and active lives as they age, the programme is focused on co-design, as this together with user-led practice have become more central to good innovation design.
To help deliver project success, the programme also includes a novel Design Stage Gate mechanism which enforces rigour across four key dimensions: user engagement, people-centred design, acceptance within user practice communities and ability to scale by user led demand. Supported throughout the process, projects must pass this Design Stage Gate to ensure that their funding continues.
Intended to encourage knowledge exchange and share best practice with many actors in the healthy ageing innovation sector, we have created a number of case studies. These have been organised by design topics to make it easy to find resources which are most fit to innovation purpose.
Co-Design Best Practice Case Studies

Introduction to Holly Health
Accessibility is one of the main barriers older adults face when using modern technology. In our Healthy Ageing project, it’s essential that older adults mustn’t feel left behind by advancing technology, especially when the purpose of that technology is to support our health and wellbeing.
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Community powered co-creation in self-care
The UNITY platform from Health Fabric provides a self-management experience for users; in multiple languages enabling equality and inclusion in the field of digital health therapeutics.
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The Language of Care
At Cross Digital we aim to empower people to live with grace, joy and dignity. Our product will be the digital aid for older people and carers, transforming how they access support services through unified care delivery, giving people more control and transparency.
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Penny’s fighting fit with FitBees
Researchers have observed a clear correlation between the level of activity of a learning-disabled woman and the time she spent with visitors, suggesting that having visitors has a positive impact on activity levels.
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Join our Community of Practice
Anyone with an interest in innovation and healthy ageing is welcome to join the Community of Practice. It's free, quick and easy to sign up. As a member you will receive information on news and updates and events from the Challenge and the wider healthy ageing sector.