Net Zero Adopt and Accelerate

In the face of environmental challenges, the Adopt and Accelerate programme is committed to nurturing sustainable industries and regions. By fostering innovation and collaboration, we aim to build a prosperous and socially responsible UK while achieving our net zero emissions goals.

Nurturing a sustainable future

Innovate UK’s Adopt and Accelerate programme supports businesses on their journey towards a more sustainable future. In order to transition to a low carbon society and tackle the climate emergency, we must accelerate the adoption and diffusion of Net Zero solutions.

Adopt and Accelerate equips UK businesses with the skills and knowledge to advance the adoption and diffusion of Net Zero innovations. The programme supports a variety of sectors and regions across the country, which is fundamental to the UK’s Net Zero ambitions.

While challenges and barriers persist, we believe that innovation is the key to a sustainable future.

Working together to support solutions

The programme team supports and collaborates with local and regional organisations and businesses to identify ecosystem level opportunities, addressing sector-specific challenges through demand-led innovation and identifying transformative technologies with the potential to create a positive impact on businesses and sectors.


We provide support for local and regional organisations, businesses, and innovations across the UK, to identify ecosystem level opportunities. We facilitate connections and collaborations that support uptake of Net Zero solutions, and encourage the creation of local innovation ecosystems building on regional strengths. By strengthening innovation communities in specific areas, we aim to create sustainable, localised solutions to address environmental challenges and drive economic growth nationwide.



We address industry specific challenges through demand-led innovation. By supporting communities in their journey for adopting net zero solutions across a range of sectors. Sectors include, but are not limited to: Food and Drink, Digital Economy and Creative, Health, Construction.



We identify transformative technologies with the potential to create positive impact on business and entire sectors and regions. We scale-up innovation diffusion through Innovate UK leveraged funding that will support sustainable industry and regional growth. Through solution-driven innovation, we aim to harness net zero technologies / solutions to support industries reduce carbon emissions and drive progress towards a more sustainable society.

Net Zero Adoption and Diffusion Pathway

The Net Zero Innovation Adoption User Journey Framework is a practical roadmap designed to guide individuals and organisations on their journey towards adopting innovation and technology to support their wider net zero objectives.


This initial stage marks the beginning of your journey towards adopting innovative solutions to address net zero challenges. You will become aware of the need for net zero solution.



You become interested in potential solutions and how they could reduce negative environmental impact – you start exploring available options.



You will evaluate the different net zero innovations to determine which solutions align with your aims. Does the innovation meet your need?



You will initiate trials, research, and development to test the feasibility and performance of potential solution or solutions.



You will be satisfied with the innovation and adopt as a permanent solution. You will also affirm your commitment to integrating net zero innovations into your operations.



You integrate the innovation into your existing systems and processes, monitoring performance, and adjust as needed to maximise benefits for achieving net zero objectives.



You scale adoption by sharing your experience and knowledge, encouraging others to embrace net zero technologies through case studies, workshops, webinars and industry forums.


Continuous improvement

At this final stage your ongoing efforts will drive innovation and improvement. You will collaborate with stakeholders, gather/share feedback, and explore new technologies or approaches to optimise and enhance net zero solutions.


Navigating hydrogen adoption for net zero

The Net Zero Innovation Adoption User Journey Framework offers valuable insights to those interested in net zero innovation to enhance their understanding and contribute to ongoing discourse on the role of hydrogen in achieving a sustainable future.

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Agri-food sustainable innovation adoption journey

The Net Zero Innovations Unveiled in Norfolk’s Agri-food Industry event demonstrates how collaboration fosters knowledge sharing, drives innovation, and supports the transition to a low-carbon society.

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Our Experts

Related Events and Recordings


Navigating Net Zero: Understanding the Role of Hydrogen

10.00 - 11.30 | Online

Register for this series

Adopt & Accelerate: Navigating Net Zero Innovation Journey in Norfolk’s Agri-food Industry

14.00 - 16.30 | Online

Watch now

Creative Catalyst Peer Network: Sustainability Webinar - Navigating Net Zero

10.00 - 13.00 | Online

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