Enabling smart local energy systems

We live, work and travel in regions, cites, towns and communities, but energy systems are still very centralised. UKRI’s Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme explored the potential of smart local energy systems and place-based approaches. Discover learnings and insights from the £104m, five-year programme.

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About the programme

From 2018 to 2023, Innovate UK and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) delivered a major innovation programme focused on smart local energy systems: Prospering from the Energy Revolution.

The programme was funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. Its aim: to work with businesses, communities and academics to explore intelligently joining up energy supply, storage and use at a local and regional level.

We live, work and travel in regions, cites, towns and communities. Yet our energy infrastructure is still very centralised – sending energy one way, from bulk supply points to the networks’ edges where we live and work.

This programme asked: what if we could bring together energy supply, storage and use to create energy-smart places, enabled by the latest technologies? Could we balance supply and demand locally, improve flexibility and resilience, save costs and carbon, and create new ways of living with energy?

With £104m of funding from UKRI, the programme funded over 80 projects around the UK, from feasibility studies to large-scale demonstrators.

The result: a rich bank of learning and evidence that will help everyone working to unlock the potential of place-based energy.

What is a smart local energy system?

A smart local (or place-based) energy system brings together energy generation, storage, demand and infrastructure and connects them in a smart way, at a local or regional level. This allows for a more tailored, dynamic approach to the energy transition, recognising that different places and communities have different needs and ambitions.

Smart: energy supply, demand and storage assets, are connected using software, artificial intelligence and digital energy platforms.

Local: these systems are set up within a local area, such as a town, city or region. They are managed and delivered often by local authorities and other local organisations.

Why does a place-based approach to smart energy systems matter?

The Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme challenged the status quo, funding innovative trials and research on systems that can bring together energy supply, storage and use locally or regionally.

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Smart local energy projects

The UKRI smart local energy system portfolio demonstrated a wide range of benefits and impacts in terms of carbon savings, cost reduction, job creation and more, expanding greatly the sum of knowledge available about smart local energy systems and the benefits they can bring. It brought together hundreds of organisations to explore developing smart local energy systems, raised awareness and understanding about why local approaches are so important for meeting our energy challenges, and built momentum for future work in this area.

Research and support



The programme funded EnergyREV, a consortium of over 60 academics from 22 universities, which generated a mass of research on aspects of smart local energy systems, to provide new tools and insights and inform change.

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Energy Revolution Integration Service

Energy Revolution Integration Service

ERIS, provided for the programme by the Energy Systems Catapult, analyses the benefits of smart local energy projects and systems, supports local area energy planning, and has developed the Net Zero Go toolkit for local authorities.

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What we have learnt

The wealth of learning from the programme includes detailed studies such as Enabling Decentralised Energy Innovation, research and support from EnergyREV and ERIS, and analysis of impacts and insights.
Reports and Insights

Reports and Insights

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Past events

Past events

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What next for smart local energy systems?

The best legacy for the Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme will be the nationwide rollout of successful smart local energy systems as a key part of the journey to net zero. National policymakers, regulators, local authorities, businesses and citizens all have a part to play in meeting the challenge of creating energy-smart places across the UK.
Net Zero Go


Net Zero Go

Practical support to help more councils deliver clean energy projects that can help meet the UK's net zero targets.

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Net Zero


Net Zero

Innovate UK Business Connect is delivering a range of Net Zero solutions that will have an impact on the large-scale change the planet needs.

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Innovate UK Business Connect is committed to delivering place-based activities that make a difference to innovators across the UK.

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Our Energy Team is at the centre of Innovate UK Business Connect’s work contributing to delivering the UK’s ambitious Net Zero targets.

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Net Zero Places


Net Zero Places

Innovate UK Business Connect supports local authorities to achieve their net zero ambitions by collaborating and adopting innovation.

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Get in touch

If you have any feedback on the programme or have a question for the team, please get in touch.


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