Opportunities in Horizon Europe - Microbiome

Posted on: 26/07/2021
various foodstuffs, ingredients laid out attractively

Dr Jane Watkins, European Programmes Manager, KTN, talks about what opportunities there are for Microbiome related Call Topics, what you need to do to apply and where to find them.

The UK aims to maintain a close relationship with European partners in the next European research and innovation Framework Programme: Horizon Europe. The European Commission has published a useful FAQ document answering your key questions regarding the eligibility of UK applicants. Horizon Europe has a projected budget of over EUR 95.5 billion, to be distributed between 2021 and 2027 and represents a significant opportunity for UK companies to access finance for research and development and innovation. It is an opportunity to form collaborations in new supply chains, for SMEs to build relationships with multinational partners, and gives a route for businesses to reach new markets, facilitating uptake of new technologies by end users and customers. The collaboration is important – it is not just about funding.

This recording gives an overview of the Microbiome Call Topics within the Horizon Europe Cluster 1 Work Programme for Health, and the Cluster 6 Work Programme for Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.

Microbiome related Call Topics (with a September / October 2021 deadline) are listed below. The total budget available for these Calls in Cluster 6 is €176m and Cluster 1 is €40m. This will fund a variety of innovative projects.

2021 Funding Call Topics (Scroll down for 2022 Call Topics)

HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-01: European participation in global biodiversity genomics endeavours aimed at identifying all biodiversity on Earth

HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-11: What else is out there? Exploring the connection between biodiversity, ecosystems services, pandemics and epidemic risk

HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-04: Tackling outbreaks of plant pests

HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-06: Vaccines and diagnostics for priority animal diseases

HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-09: Towards an EU approach to assess and internalise positive and negative externalities of food for incentivising sustainable choices

HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-12: Filling knowledge gaps on the nutritional, safety, allergenicity and environmental assessment of alternative proteins and dietary shift

HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-14: Microbes for healthy and sustainable food and diets

HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01-05: Novel, non-plant biomass feedstocks for industrial applications

HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01-07: Microbiomes for bio-based innovation and environmental applications

HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-02: Optimisation of nutrient budget in agriculture

HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-05: Environmental sustainability criteria for biological resources production and trade in bio-based systems: impacts and trade-offs

HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-08: New genomic techniques (NGT): understanding benefits and risks – focus on bio-based innovation

HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-10: Environmental services: improved bioremediation and revitalization strategies for soil, sediments and water

HORIZON-CL6-2021-CLIMATE-01-06: Resilient livestock farming systems under climate change

HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02: Indoor air quality and health


2022 Funding Call Topics

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-01: Risk assessment of new low risk pesticides

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-02: Socio-economics of pesticide use in agriculture

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-03: Enhancing biosecurity in terrestrial livestock production

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-06: Biosecurity, hygiene, disease prevention and animal welfare in aquaculture

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-07: Building alternative protein-friendly sustainable and healthy food environments

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-09: Microbiomes in food production systems

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-10: Integrated surveillance system to prevent and reduce diet-related non communicable diseases (NCDs)

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-12: Agro-ecological approaches in African agriculture systems

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-15: Support for international research on infectious animal diseases

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-01-two-stage: Agroecological approaches for sustainable weed management

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-02-two-stage: Emerging and future risks to plant health

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-03-two-stage: Ecology of infectious animal diseases

HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-05-two-stage: Innovative food from marine and freshwater ecosystems

HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-05: EU-China international cooperation on unlocking the potential of agricultural residues and wastes for circular and sustainable bio-based solutions

HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-07: Marine microbiome for a healthy ocean and a sustainable blue bioeconomy

HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-04-two-stage: Photosynthesis revisited: climate emergency, “no pollution and zero-emission” challenge and industrial application

HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01-09: Environmental observations solutions contributing to meeting “One Health” challenges

HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-05-two-stage: Prevention of obesity throughout the life course

HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06-02-two-stage: Pre-clinical development of the next generation of immunotherapies for diseases or disorders with unmet medical needs

HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02-01: Personalised blueprint of chronic inflammation in health-to-disease transition



To download the slides from Jane’s talk above, click here.


For more support, please contact one of our Programme Managers at KTN: 

Dr Jane Watkins, Knowledge Transfer Manager – European Programmes, KTN

Dr Gabriela Juarez Martinez, Knowledge Transfer Manager – Pharma & MedTech, KTN

Dr Pedro Carvalho, Knowledge Transfer Manager – Plants & Crops, KTN

Or one of your UK National Contact Points:

Katie Dingley (contact for Academia) – Cluster 1 Health
Email: ncp@mrc.ukri.org

Jo Frost (contact for Industry) – Cluster 1 Health
Telephone: 07597 526 207
Email: NCP-Health@innovateuk.ukri.org

Helen Sweeney – UK National Contact Point, Innovate UK – Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy
Telephone: 07517 132502
Email: helen.sweeney@innovateuk.ukri.org


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