Sophie Jones-Tinsley

Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator

Sophie Jones-Tinsley

I have four years of experience within higher education and primary education, working part-time in a fast-paced project management role, whilst running my own tutoring business. I have a passion and vested interest in race equality work, which was ignited through coordinating an anti-racist training toolkit designed to support HE institutions in addressing systemic racism.

I can assist with the capturing of key performance indicators (KPIs), case studies, impact measures and customer relationship management (CRM) content, as well as the designing and delivery of first-class events, in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). I am currently involved in supporting the design and delivery of the Purple Plaques project, which offers Women in Innovation award winners their own purple plaque to commemorate their achievements. I am equally supporting several other projects ongoing within the EDI team, including the No Limits platform launch and mission.


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